Arts Integration Endorsement Program

Join us for two years of exploration and integration of the arts into your personal and professional practice.


Program Details


2024 Update

The BYU ARTS Partnership has paused the availability of the courses for the Arts Integration Endorsement pending updates from USBE about new competency-based learning outcomes. Our professional learning options for 2024-2025 can be found here.


The USBE Arts Integration Endorsement is offered through CITES (Center for Improvement of Teacher Education and Schooling) at BYU. This endorsement attaches to an elementary teaching license. The course builds capacity in six art forms as well as in integrating the arts across the curriculum. Participants will experience hands-on engaged learning in dance, drama, media arts, music, visual arts, and literary arts with lessons to use with elementary students. The curriculum will also cover arts advocacy, aesthetics, and strategies for building arts-rich schools to serve deep learning and improve school culture.



The program consists of 12 credit hours earned through a hybrid model of learning and 4 elective credits earned through attendance at conferences and workshops such as Arts Express, Arts Engage, UAEA, UMEA, UDEO, UAACT, Orff Schulwerk, Kodaly, and other approved courses.

Participants will demonstrate their learning and competency by creating a digital portfolio. See the nine program learning outcomes here. 

An endowment at BYU provides this course and materials free of charge. Participants are required to pay for the 12 credits at $47 per credit across multiple semesters.

Please complete this form to be added to the mailing list for more information about the 2024-2025 program. This program will begin June of 2024.



Contact Us

For questions about the program you can email the following:


Smiling Participant

Jennifer Purdy

Arts Integration Endorsement Program Coordinator


General Inquiries:



     "As I've gone through this program, I've started weaving the arts into my everyday instruction more. I'm having more fun teaching, my students are having more fun learning, and I'm getting excited about what I get to learn next in this program. Teaching arts is not as hard as I thought it would be. "


- Rachel Fjerstad, 1st Grade

     "Learning more about how to engage students in different art forms, such as Dance, Drama, and Music, from experts in elementary education, has helped me to expand my artistic repertoire and combine these forms in unique ways to fit the integration needs of my students.  With these skills I have been able to help my students use the tools of an artist, to think creatively to solve design problems, and to think of themselves as artists."


- Mark Gatto, 3rd Grade

     "Being part of the endorsement cohort this year provided opportunities to work with people who have a profound interest in the arts and their use in the classroom, and with people I admire for their tenacity and enduring passion for arts education. Beverly Taylor Sorenson lit that fire in many, but our endorsement leaders keep it alive."


- Jennifer Heldenbrand, 6th Grade