Spring Celebrations: Highlights from an Inspiring Year in the Arts

The school year is almost over, and with that comes performances, arts nights, and celebrations! As the BTS Arts Coordinator for the BYU Region, I have had a marvelous time attending as many of our BTS Arts events as possible. I am inspired by the artistic expressions that saturate the BYU region. From kindergarten choir performances to school-wide arts and music nights, students are experiencing and displaying the arts at exceptional levels.  

I am impressed with the variety of approaches and unique touches each teacher brings to their school arts night. At Dayna Koch’s arts night at Brookhaven Elementary, 6th grade students lined the halls in their best dress, standing ready to answer questions and handing out QR codes that allowed attendees to learn more about the art they were viewing. Dayna also had a live gallery artist painting in the entrance of the school!

Dayna Koch portrait and paintings of cakes

Dayna Koch and samples of her students' artwork.

Hani Pulgia at Grovecrest Elementary, in partnership with the PTA, also included a live artist during her arts and music event that included a live artist, a talent show, galleries of student artwork, and blacklight art making!

   Student artwork showcase

Samples of student artwork at Hani Pulgia's art night.

Visual arts events are always wonderful, and our music educators hosted performances that are equally spectacular! At Silver Crest Elementary, Rinda Clyde directed an engaging kindergarten concert. With parents filling the gym, the children sang, danced, and played bells impressively well! Just down the street at Blackridge Elementary, Josh Roberts led his fourth graders in a musical program about Utah. The program included speaking part about the social studies curriculum they have been studying this year, related songs, and students playing instruments.

Monica Hill’s 5th graders also played instruments, sang, and even rapped at the Lehi Elementary music night. A highlight was when the students sang and honored those who have served our country and communities. Members of the audience who have served or are currently serving in each military branch and the police and fire departments were acknowledged and honored.

Our dance and drama educators have shined just as bright this year during both informances and performances. Amelia Dunlap’s students at Canyon Crest Elementary wore costumes and performed Broadway pieces that filled our hearts. In a show of solidarity and support, the entire school watched her after-school group perform in an assembly.

Miriam Bowen led the school’s first-grade classes at Reagan Academy in a literacy integrated musical and dance informance. Students displayed newly developed dance and gross motor skills, sang songs about books and letters, and danced a partner folk dance they learned. My personal favorite part was when they danced a book in a truly beautiful and unique way. Miriam also did an excellent job promoting the BTS Arts program’s advocacy efforts to the parents in attendance and shared resources with them about the benefits of dance and the arts.

Artwork describing what Miriam Bowen's students love about life.

Miriam Bowen's students created artwork about what they love about life. 

Miriam Bowen portrait

I could go on and on about the amazing things I’ve seen this year: Angela Gonzalez’s whole-school collaboration quilt was uplifting, and Charlotte Hawkins’ hanging science-integrated art installations took my breath away! We celebrate our community of teachers for so bringing the arts into the lives of our students in interesting, authentic, and integrated ways. We love working with you and love witnessing how the arts you teach are changing children’s lives.

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