Vocal Warm-Ups for the Classroom


Warming Up the Voice With Students​

Vocal warm-ups are crucial in elementary school classrooms for various reasons. Firstly, they help prevent vocal strain and injury by gradually preparing the vocal cords and muscles for use. Additionally, these exercises enhance the quality of students' voices, improving aspects like breathing, resonance, and articulation. 

Vocal warm-ups also expand students' vocal ranges, boosting their confidence and creativity in singing and speaking. Moreover, engaging in these activities fosters a sense of unity and cooperation among students through collaborative exercises. Overall, vocal warm-ups serve as effective transition activities, promoting focus and alertness while contributing to students' vocal health, skill development, and overall well-being.

Vocal Activities for Warming Up in the Classroom

Play with Your Voice

Think of your voice as a toy. 
Find out what it can do.
Feel the sounds in your body.
Listen to the amazing sounds that can be made.

Breathe with Love

Oxygenate every cell in the body.
Allow the lungs to be cleansed.

Sing a Pitch and Tune Your Cells

Find the "wonder" place.
Feel the difference between vocal play and singing.
Listen to the difference.
Feel the vowel you sing shaping every cell in the body.

Sing Two Pitches

Feel the sensation of changing pitches.
Listen so your voice will know where to go.

Sing a Phrase

Feel the flow of pitches as they move through your body.

Add Words

Feel the challenge of adding consonants to vowels.
Listen as the voice shapes words by adding consonants to vowels.

Vocal warm up infographic


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