Native American Resources for Teachers

Utah Specific Native American Resources 

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General Native American Resources

Selecting Accurate and Authentic Materials

How do I know what to teach in my classroom?


When searching for Native content and Native-related curriculum, knowing what is accurate and authentic can be difficult. The following video series was created to help guide teachers in their research and instructional planning process.


See the decision-based model (DBL) linked below as well to support you on your journey in selecting accurate and authentic materials for the classroom. Note, these resources do not provide definitive "yes" and "no" answers. They provide exercises and examples for practicing the critical thinking and context required for making your instructional decisions.

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Video 1: Selecting Authentic Classroom Resources

In the first video in our series on selecting authentic Native American resources for the classroom, we equip teachers with the necessary knowledge to accurately represent Native American culture and history in their educational materials. As educators, it is crucial to provide our students with authentic and respectful portrayals of Native Americans in the past and present. In this comprehensive guide, we explore key considerations for selecting appropriate resources that honor the rich diversity and traditions of Native American communities.

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Click the image to see the video.

Video 2: Principles for Finding Accurate Resources

In the second video in our series on using authentic Native American resources for the classroom, we delve into essential principles to follow when researching cultural resources. The video lists several guidelines teachers can follow in order to enhance Native American education in their classrooms.

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Video 3: An Example for Evaluating Cultural Resources

This video provides practical insights and tools that will enable you to make informed decisions when selecting Native American resources for a classroom setting. In this video, Brenda and Emily lead teachers through an exercise to practice the principles and tools presented in the previous two videos. This video provides a concrete example of how to research accurate and authentic resources that can foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of Native American culture among students and educators.

Want to Learn More?

Hoop Dancer Performance


Online Course: Amplify Native Voices in the Classroom

  • Study the historical and present context of the 8 sovereign nations within Utah
  • Practice evaluating resources for accuracy and authenticity
  • Learn from Native educators about culturally responsive practice


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