Arts Integration

May 20, 2024
Charlotte Hawkins describes the importance of collaboration and communication in groups beginning at a young age. Read to see how to structure group projects in your classroom to lead your students to success!
May 14, 2024

The school year is almost over, and with that comes performances, arts nights, and celebrations! As the BTS Arts Coordinator for the BYU Region, I have had a marvelous time attending as many of our BTS Arts events as possible.

April 15, 2024
Charlotte Hawkins describes how the thinking routine called “The 3 Whys” helped her students think more deeply about the petroglyphs carved in Nine Mile Canyon.
March 12, 2024
Charlotte Hawkins elaborates on how curiosity is important to a child's development and learning and explains how providing opportunities for curiosity can benefit your teaching.
February 28, 2024
Your students are learning important new information daily. Charlotte Hawkins describes how taking the time to let students reflect on their learning "I used to think...Now I think..." helps them understand the learning process more fully.
January 31, 2024
Charlotte Hawkins explains how you can turn your classroom into a laboratory. Not to conduct science experiments, but to allow students to experiment in learning and discover new things. Allowing creativity to be messy will allow your students to learn richly.
October 26, 2023

In the world of education, the importance of fostering holistic development in students and educating the whole child is critical. Implementing the arts across the curriculum allows the classroom to become a space where students' minds and bodies are nurtured to grow and thrive.

January 4, 2023
A leadership workshop with Jim Reese inspired the BYU ARTS Partnership goals for 2023 and recommendations for leaders looking to effect change in schools and classrooms through the arts.